Is European Union a multinational who sells the human rights in exchange of economical agreements?

Framework Agreement between the EU and Libya- after Anna Gomes’ propose

(Fonte Rights Monitoring) By Wirginia Loboda – Last week (19/01/2011), the debate on Ana Gomes’ report, denounced the grave violations of human rights in Libya. Most participants showed them against any conclusion of closer agreements with Khadafy’s regime, but there was also who found that ,even the situation in Libya is far from respecting human rights , stopping immigrants’ flows is more important.

Last Wednesday the Ana Gomes’ report has been voted positively. The EU Commission has to respect the recommendation.  The debate , preceding, the vote has shown already that  the balance hung to human rights’ respect. Let’s see however which were the reactions of our European representatives.

The accent has been put on European values by one side, and on the other,  on the importance of European security and commercial relations with Libya. Is Europe ready to stain her hands with refugees’ blood?- was the question of Ojuland Kristina from the Liberal Group . Alf SVENSSON (European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) shared the opinion that the human values are more important that the monetary one. Franziska Katharina BRANTNER steadily  underlined the consequence of being friend of a regime by using the Tunisian example. Even Charles TANNOCK  from European Conservatives and Reformists, assumed   that staying at the Khadafy’s requests , we will only consolidate his dictatorship. Barry MADLENER was more radical, and he demanded to punish the Libyan blackmail to open Mediterranean borders and to “send us 30 thousands immigrants”. Alfano Sonia was shocked how is it possible that that European states are ready to tight agreements with a dictator and she called the European Parliament to review the joint patrol agreements. According to Pier Antonio PANZERI , the bilateral agreements can improve the situation only at moment, but they do not constitute the solution to the problem. There was also who encouraged the closer cooperation between Libya and EU, like Ioannis KASOULIDES, who said to be aware of what is going on in Libya, but even that he defended the readmissions agreement .  Also Fiorello Piovera’s (Europe of Freedom and Democracy) statement has shown sadly how it is possible to be blind to the reality. He wished  that EU’s Framework Agreements should have the same future as well as the Italian- Libyan readmission agreements.

Concluding, belong to Ana Gomes, the nowadays situation in Libya is due to the long international isolation and that is why these agreements are playing such an important role. Probably the signature of Geneva Convention, which will be one of the request to conclude the negotiations, could be the first step toward respect of international obligations in Libya. Let’s see if Khadafy will sign it.